Friday, February 18, 2011

Hollywood Wreck week continues

Last nights AI did actually have some singing I wanted to hear - just not enough of it.
I was happy to see one of the Haters go ( the girl in glasses who was mean to my boy Jacee).
All in all it was an ok show I actually didn't fast forward thru to much except the commercials. Its funny About commercials. I watch the super bowl and the commercials are great. But why aren't they great for regular shows?
now the fun begins I can wait until next week.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

American Idol's hollywood WRECK week

SO I have to admit that I watch American Idol.
I watch it by myself. LOL Just because sometimes this bear tears up.
I also have started to DVR it. I can get the whole show down to about 1/2 hour to 15 min.
Its Fantastic!
I don't really care about the drama Although tonight. the 2nd show in the hollywood week AKA HOLLYWOOD WRECK WEEK LOL (sidebar: when did Pasadena become Hollywood?...... its so white there.) Did have me rewinding a little just to make sure they were that bad and then there were a few teary moment that I had to rewind.
I Didn't rewind the tears of Jacee however. I have to say, that this kid really hits home for me.
I can relate to him, or at least my inner child does. if you believe in those things . He sings like I wish I could. And tonight as brave as he was I could only feel heart ache for him. That Kid has such a sweet voice. I don't know what the Idol experience will hold for him. I hope he goes to the top. What I do think is that in AMERICA, a country built by underdogs. It is The underdog that has the greatest victory. My wish for Jacee and others who also can relate to him. Is that if you think of your life as a jug of milk be the CREAM that rises to the top. It might take a while, just keep your head high and look towards the sky. Have courage and be brave. DO not be a victim. Hold your head high and know that there are others just like you. They might not be with in an arms reach but know that we are out here and your bravery as does mine pave the road for others. Stand tall and unite. Own who you are, every part of you, and do not forget your past or where you are from. If that does'nt work call me and I will unleash my inner bully against those who trespass against you....... and THAT you should BELIEVE !